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WorkCompass How-to Guide for Reporting

Within WorkCompass you can generate a range of reports to gather the key insights you need to drive performance for yourself, your team and your organization.

The reports available can be found under the Insights area in your WorkCompass account.


Types of Reports Available

Progress Report

Engagement Report

Leadership Report

Calibration Report

Open Actions

Performance and Potential

Development Needs

Strategy Overview

Status Report


Progress Report


The Progress Report shows your progress based on your previous performance reviews. You can also see how you are doing in comparison to the overall company progress.


Progress Report

If you are a Manager, you can also view your team members' performance progress.


If you are an Administrator, you can view the percentage of users in the system on an active performance plan by viewing the Percentage of Company on Active Plan Report.



Please note: Only Admins can view all performance plan progress across the Company. Managers will be able to view their teams; performance and Employees will be able to view their own progress only.

Engagement Report


While individual results are anonymous, Admins can view the overall results of the latest completed engagement survey from the Engagement Report. Admins can also drill down to individual Managers to view their teams' engagement.


To view how engagement is trending over time, you can view the Engagement Progress Report. This can be filtered by individual teams and for specific areas of the survey.


Leadership Report


As a Manager, you can view the results of your leadership survey sent to your direct reports by viewing the Leadership Report. The results are anonymous, however from the overall results you can see what areas are your strengths and what areas you should develop further.


As an Admin within WorkCompass, you can view individual Managers' leadership survey results.

You can also view how the leadership survey results are trending over time in the Leadership Progress Report.



Calibration Report


The Calibration Report shows how the company performance ratings looks against the ideal distribution. You can also view this as a Manager or as an Admin. As an Admin you can select individual Managers to review.

The purpose of the report is to understand how Managers' ratings for their Employees vary from the ideal distribution.

If certain Managers are giving every Employee a very high/ very low rating, this can be flagged in this report. When the overall distribution line on the calibration report is skewed to the right it may indicate that goals don't include enough stretch, and skewed to the left could indicate they have too much stretch.

You can also view only the draft results of the plan, if the Manager may need to make adjustments before submitting the final rating.


Open Actions Report


The Open Actions Report is a report that allows Admins to identify any outstanding tasks that need to be completed by both Managers and Employees.

The report is also exportable, and it provides details such as email, department and Manager information. The export can be used to identify who needs to be prompted to complete their outstanding tasks.

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Performance and Potential Report


The Performance and Potential Report is a key to understanding how individuals are performing across your organization. 

The report has an X-axis showing Performance i.e. how an Employee has been performing against their goals/objectives.

The Y-axis shows Potential i.e. how an Employee has performed against the competencies/behaviours' set out in their performance plan.

Employees with excellent ratings against both performance and potential will show in the top right hand quadrant of the report. These people are high performers and you should ensure you are focused on keeping them engaged.

Employees in the bottom left quadrant could need further development to get them to become high performers.

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You can also click on the person's data point to show who the Employee is, and what's their most recent completed performance review percentage.


The report is also exportable, and it includes all the details related to their performance plans:

  • Their goals and competencies including names, descriptions and the final ratings for each.
  • Their self evaluation ratings (Employee Score), and as well as their Managers' ratings (Score) for them.
  • Any external ratings from additional reviewers or external reviewers.
  • All Employee profile information available.


Development Needs Report


The Development Needs Report shows the most popular development needs logged in the system for Employees. This report is an effective way to understand what most common development needs are, and in which areas organization should invest in for training and development of its employees.

The report is also exportable for further detail and analysis.


Strategy Report


The Strategy Report is a visual report showing how your company is executing against the overall company strategy. 

The report shows organizational goals as large circles. Once the progress of milestones of linked goals gets updated, the progress of the organizational goals reflects this automatically by changing the color and progress percentage.

As the progress increases across individual performance, the overall company strategy progress increases.

If individual goals that are linked to organizational goals do not have any progress made, the report will reflect this showing the color red as the goals are off track. The report can serve as an early warning sign reflecting when objectives are getting off track, so Managers can make decisions about scarce resources and competing priorities before it's too late and the goal is missed.

The report is also interactive, you can click on each goal to understand what individual goals contribute to the progress.

Status Report


The Status Report shows the current plan status for all Employees. You can view who needs a plan, who needs their plan approved, which plans are overdue, and which have been completed.

If your plan period does not follow the standard calendar year, you can select the time frame you would like to view by choosing Select date range.


The report is also exportable for further detail and analysis.