What are Development Needs?

If your organization has included the Development Needs section as part of its configuration, you might be wondering what a development need is. 

At WorkCompass, we define development needs as your skills gaps. These are the resources that will help you perform to the best of your ability. For instance, if you are new to a role in sales, you may require training on negotiation techniques or you might think an advanced Excel course could help you to improve your performance. 

This information is important for your Manager as well as members of the HR team, as it helps them to plan training sessions and provide you with the resources required for you to be successful. 

Entering your Development Needs
The Development Needs section is free text entry, so you or your Manager can manually type in what the development need is.

By clicking the 3 dots in the top right corner of the card, you can also add in Development Actions and Success Measures.

  • Development Actions are the steps you are going to take in order to successfully develop
  • Success Measures are the criteria you will set to define what successfully achieving the development needs looks like

In the example below, the employee wants to complete training to develop their negotiation techniques. An action they are going to take is completing an online certification course on sales negotiation. A success measure is successfully completing this course.


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