How do I send out an Engagement Survey?

Send an engagement survey to measure Employee engagement and get actionable insights.

Only HR Admins can access this feature.

As an Admin, you will be able to send out engagement surveys to your organization. To do so, simply click on the tab at the top of the page labelled Survey, and then click on Create survey.

You can customize the survey instructions, then once you are ready to release the survey press Send Engagement Survey to send the survey to users.

Please note before sending out the survey that an email notification to complete the survey will only be sent to users who have logged into WorkCompass and in doing so have confirmed their accounts and authorized WorkCompass to send them emails.  

Please see the engagement survey questions below:

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If you do not have the option to start surveys, this means that you don't have the feature enabled for your site. To activate surveys, contact us at so that our Support Team can change your account settings. 

How do I manage the engagement survey?

To manage the survey, you can click on Surveys in the top menu bar and then click on Manage engagement survey

You can also click on Manage this survey under the Active surveys section on the bottom right side of your Home page. You will be able to see how many Employees have responded, but it will not tell you who has responded as it is kept anonymous.

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If you want to close a survey, after clicking on Manage this survey click on the Close button as shown below, then click on Insights to view the survey report.

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Engagement Survey Reporting

Once you have closed the survey, you can view a report of the engagement survey results by clicking on Insights, and then clicking on Engagement.

The level of engagement for each category is an average of all scores given by survey participants. A value is assigned to each survey response:

  • Very disengaged = -2
  • Disengaged = -1
  • Neutral = 0
  • Engaged = 1
  • Very engaged = 2

You can view results across the entire company or for single teams by clicking on the drop-down menu as shown below. 

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You will also be able to view engagement progress over time. You can view engagement progress at a company-wide level or for each team by clicking on the upper drop-down menu. You can also view engagement progress for each category by clicking on the lower drop-down menu. 

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