How do I complete a check-in?

What is a check-in

Check-ins are opportunities for you to reflect on progress and provide feedback on your own or your direct reports' goals. Depending on your organization's settings you may have check-ins on a biannual, quarterly, or monthly basis. WorkCompass will always remind you when it is time to perform a check-in. 

How to complete a check-in (interim review) 

When it’s the right time to perform a check-in (interim review) for yourself or for any of your direct reports, WorkCompass will send you an email notification and will also create a task in your dashboard. 

In order to complete a check-in for yourself or for a direct report:

  1. Click on the link in the email or from your WorkCompass Home page, and click on the task to complete a check-in.
  2. Review the performance plan and leave any comments as necessary, remembering to save them once finished. 
  3. Click on Complete check-in.